
  • Natal Chart

    This is a one time natal chart reading that will identify the placement of planets in your unique chart and examine their influences in your life.

  • Soul Sessions

    This six session package includes an individual natal chart reading and creates space to dive deeper into the chart and what items are showing up to be transformed, integrated, resolved and transmuted into a stronger sense of self.

  • Embodiment

    This twelve session package includes an individual natal chart reading and a transit reading. It weaves in somatic work and positive psychology to compliment the exploration of the natal chart.

  • Transit Reading

    This is a one time annual transit reading will identify current astrological events in correlation to the natal chart to identify themes and treads in the year ahead.

  • Gift a Reading

    Is someone in your life having a birthday, or going through a big life transition? An Astrology Reading is the gift of clarity, confidence and confirmation on their path.

  • Reiki Session

    This is a one time Reiki Energy Healing session. Available upon request in either 30-60 minute intervals. Please email me for additional information and inquiries on booking.

Let the stars

be your guide